Concentration of animal production and constant development of pig farms involves higher epizootic risk. High health status is extremely important in nucleus herds because only healthy and strong organisms may manifest genotype which is the base of actual performance value of a breeding pig. We shall not forget that pigs from PS (parent stock) level deliver breeding stock to farms producing fatteners where any kind of infection causes economic losses and decreases farm profitability.

In order to improve health status in Polish nucleus herds “POLSUS” introduced program of veterinary monitoring and biosecurity. Main goal of the program is to diagnose and eliminate listed illnesses. It is also important to prevent germs from spreading between herds.  Program is cared over by POLSUS Veterinary Council with the following members: Prof Zygmunt Pejsak, Prof Marian Truszczynski, Dr. Piotr Kolodziejczyk and Dr. Marian Porowski.

Health control is performed by a vet supervising a pig farm and consists of:

  • Clinical tests performed once every 30 days in all technological groups (atrophic rhinitis, dysentery, adenovirus infection, salmonellosis, Pleuropneumonia, Mhp, mange, streptococcal infection, Glässer disease) 
  • Clinical test in case of suspected illnesses in order to make proper diagnosis
  • postslaughter tests performed once every 3 months in order to diagnose: atrophic rhinitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, pleuropneumonia, Mhp, endoparasites.
  • serological tests for: PRRS (once each month), Aujeszky disease, Mhp (once every 3 months), leptospirosis (once each 6 months)
  • number of samples taken in the given herd is settled based on tables by J.T. Done
  • whole herd needs to be injected with bird and cattle tuberculin
  • obligatory vaccination against PPV and erysipelas (dead vaccine)

Biosecurity program goal is to prevent germs from spreading between farms. Vet supervising farm should help in setting proper farm management scheme, setting HACCP points and controlling procedures of obeying biosecurity rules. Special attention should be paid to sanitary barrier, limited vehicles entries, registering visitors and farm guests, disinfection mats at the entries to farm buildings, obeying the rule “all-in all-out”, keeping purchased animals on quarantine and acclimatization. 

Vet supervising a nucleus herd should submit a report from a farm visit once each 6 month. Special health certificate confirming herd health status is issued based on this report.


Polish Pig Breeders and Producers Association
ul. Ryżowa 90
02-495 Warsaw
phone. +48 22 723 08 06
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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